
Sid Meier's Civilization IV Compressed In 200MB

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From humble beginnings as a prehistoric tribe of hunters and gatherers, to a far-flung future of extra-terrestrial colonization, players lead their people to dominate Earth and beyond in this era-spanning game of empire-building. A true living legend of computer game design, Sid Meier invites strategists to conquer the world all over again, in this fourth edition in the influential Civilization series.

Many of the most significant additions to this version of Civilization involve customization. The tech tree remains the roadmap to scientific and industrial advancement, but there is now more than one path to milestone discoveries. The religion model offers more customization as well, and players can now better use the power of faith to spread their culture, or they can choose to have no state religion at all, boosting scientific endeavors.

Combat has been enhanced in Civ IV, to give more individuality to veteran units and to balance away occasional historical mismatches sometimes noticed in earlier editions ofCiv. More than one leader character is available for many of the traditional opponent nations, and the game will play differently depending on who is in charge of rival empires. In all, Civilization IV is designed to offer players a game world of unprecedented sophistication and realism, whether they aim to win it through warfare or culture.

Windows 2000/XP
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.2GHz Processor
CD-ROM Drive
64MB GeForce2 or Radeon 7500 Class Video Card with Hardware T&L
1.7GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 9.0c
Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.8GHz Processor
128MB DirectX compatible Video Card with Pixel and Vertex Shaders
DirectX compatible Sound Card
CD-ROM Drive
1.7GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 9.0c

B Keybombard, build city
C Keycenter on unit
E Keyexplore with unit
F Keyfortify
G Keygo-to mode
L Keyload onto ship
S Keysentry
U Keyunload off ship
W Keywait
Alt + Left Mouse Buttongroup all units on a tile together
Ctrl + 1-0 Keybind selected unit or group to number 1-0
Ctrl + Left Mouse Buttongroup all units of the same type on a tile together
Delete Keydelete unit
Shift + Left Mouse Buttontile context menu
Space Barskip turn
A Keybuild improvements
H Keybuild camp
I Keybuild farm
K Keybuild workshop
L Keybuild lumbermill
M Keybuild mine
N Keybuild trade network
Q Keybuild quarry
R Keybuild road or railroad
T Keybuild cottage
Alt + C Keyremove forest or jungle
Alt + R Keyroad-to mode
Ctrl + C Keyimprove nearest city
Ctrl + F Keybuild fort
Shift + P Keybuild pasture or plantation
Shift + W Keybuild watermill, build windmill, build winery, build well
F Keybuild fishing nets
O Keybuild offshore platform
Shift + W Keybuild whaling boats
B Keyair bomb mode
R Keyrecon mode
S Keyair strike mode
Alt + R Keyrebase mode
F1 Keydomestic advisor
F2 Keyfinancial advisor
F3 Keycivics advisor
F4 Keyforeign advisor
F5 Keymilitary advisor
F6 Keytechnology advisor
F7 Keyreligion advisor
F8 KeyVicrory
F9 Keydemographics
F10 Keycapital city
F11 Keyglobe view
F12 Keycivilopedia
P Keyping the map
Alt + I Keyremove interface
Alt + Q Keyretire
Alt + W Keyaccess worldbuilder
Alt + D Keychange player name and e-mail
Ctrl + 1-0 Keysave a production queue
Ctrl + B Keytoggle bare map
Ctrl + I Keyminimize interface
Ctrl + L Keyload game
Ctrl + M Keyturn music on or off
Ctrl + O Keyoptions menu
Ctrl + R Keyflag resources on or off
Ctrl + S Keysave game
Ctrl + T Keyturn grid on or off
Ctrl + Y Keyturn tile yields on or off
Ctrl + Left Arrowlock camera angle 45° clockwise
Ctrl + Right Arrowlock camera angle 45° counterclockwise
Enter Keycycle units, advance to next turn
\ Keycycle to previous selected unit
Esc Keyexit current screen, menu
, Keycycle to previous unit
. Keycycle to next unit
/ Keycycle through active workers
Home or End Keycycle through cities
Insert Keyopen nearest friendly city screen
Left or Right Arrowjump to next city
Page Down Keyzoom camera out
Page Up Keyzoom camera in
Pause Keypause game
Print Scrn Keytake screenshot
Shift + Enter Keyforce turn to end
Shift + Left Arrowrotate camera clockwise
Shift + Right Arrowrotate camera counterclockwise
Tab Keychat to team
Shift + Tab Keychat to all
Ctrl + Tab Keychat and event log
Scroll Lock Keyvoice chat to team
Shift + Scroll Lock Keyvoice chat to all
Ctrl + Scroll Lock Keyvoice chat in diplo screen
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