
I.G.I-2: Covert Strike Compressed In 180MB

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IGI 2: Covert Strike, the sequel to Innerloop's Project IGI: I'm Going In, is a stealth-based action title in which players assume the role of David Jones; a British operative of the IGI organization, a clandestine agency that is responsible for the security and general sanctity of the western world. Which is of course where you, as Mr. Jones, come in: Armed with your wits and a modicum of weapons and gadgetry you'll be thrust into a series of 19 missions, spanning such locales as Russia, Libya and China, where stealth and silent infiltration is imperative in order to successfully complete your assigned objectives. Throughout the title you'll be in contact with Major Rebecca Anya, an expert in surveillance and communications and Republican Senator Pat Lenehan, the founder of IGI.

Among the arsenal of gadgets at your disposal are thermal imaging goggles, binoculars as well as a vital aide: the GPS-style computer map you carry. With it, you're able to ascertain the position of enemies and security cameras as well as the layout of the area in which you find yourself, all in real-time. An onscreen meter displays the likelihood of detection, offering players a tangible indication of the guards' awareness. Going undetected will allow players to sneak up behind enemies and perform stealth kills by either breaking their necks or killing them with a knife. In a pinch, you can also make use of pistols, automatic rifles, shotguns and various explosives, however, you can only carry two weapons over and above your standard issue items. Unlike its predecessor, IGI 2: Covert Strike provides players with a handful of saves to utilize within any given mission; the number provided determined by the difficulty level.

A multiplayer component has also been included, pitting players (as members of two opposing teams) against one another on six different maps. Each team is provided with a list of objectives to complete, with monetary incentives granted for successful completion of said objectives. Money plays a vital role in this mode: Prior to each mission, combatants are given limited finances with which to purchase weaponry, and during the game itself, will be 'charged' for each respawn, with each successive respawn costing less until such time as they're free of charge. This mode supports up to 16 players for LAN and Internet play.


  •                      The sequel to the Eidos-published Project IGI: I'm Going In
  •                       Infiltrate enemy compounds using stealth and tactical weaponry
  •                       Compete against rival teams in the multiplayer mode, utilizing money to purchase      
  •                        weapons and to respawn     

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Pentium III or Athlon 700MHz Processor
32MB 3D Accelerated Video Card
DirectX-compatible Sound Card
8X CD-ROM Drive
1.9GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 8.1
Pentium 4 or Athlon 1.2GHz Processor
64MB 3D Accelerated Video Card
DirectX-compatible Sound Card
32X CD-ROM Drive
56Kbps Modem (Modem play)
DirectPlay Supported Network (LAN play)
512Kbps Modem for Hosting

W Key or Up Arrowmove forward
S Key or Down Arrowmove backward
A Key or Left Arrowstrafe left
D Key or Right Arrowstrafe right
Mouse Move Left or X Keyturn left
Mouse Move Right or C Keyturn right
NumPad 0 or Spacebarjump
Right Ctrl or Left Shift Keycrouch
Insert or Q Keyraise stance
Delete or Z Keylower stance
End or Caps Lock Keytoggle run
Right Shift or E Keyaction
Mouse Wheel Up or H Keycycle action, zoom in
Mouse Wheel Down or N Keycycle action, zoom out
NumPad . or \ Keypeek
Home or B Keybinoculars
Page Up or T Keythermal imaging device
NumPad Enter or M Keymap computer
L Keyview log
O Keyview objectives
I Keyconnect to IGI HQ
Esc Keypause menu
F7 Keyquick load
NumPad 0-9 or 1-0 Keysmenu navigation
Left Mouse Button or Left Ctrl Keyfire
Right Mouse Buttonfire secondary weapon mode
Enter Key or R Keyreload current weapon
1 Key or NumPad 1select primary weapon
2 Key or NumPad 2select sidearm
3 Key or NumPad 3knife
4 Key or NumPad 4select grenades
5 Key or NumPad 5select C4 bomb
6 Key or NumPad 6select proximity mine
7 Key or NumPad 7select laser designator
9 Key or NumPad 9select medical syringe
] or F Keynext weapon
[ or V Keyprevious weapon
Page Down or G Keydrop weapon
NumPad / or 0 Keyinventory
NumPad + or J Keybuy menu
F11 or F1 Keybuy primary ammo
F12 or F2 Keybuy secondary ammo
NumPad * or Y Keyplayer radio call menu
NumPad - or U Keysquad radio call menu
. Keymultiplayer global chat
/ Keymultiplayer team chat
K Keychange teams
Backspace or Tab Keymultiplayer scores
` Keyconsole

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                                                          PART 1
                                                          PART 2
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